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Anybody knows of facts on cultivation / growth of Borojó, ie. Borojoa patinoi, a South American Fruit.?

I am an abroad student working on a paper regarding a fruit called Borojo (full name as Borojoa patinoi, Rubiaceae family), a tropical fruit grown mainly in rainforest of Columbia area in Amazonia (Panama, Ecuador)

I did some google search and have gained some facts on general properties on it, but there are still a few questions that remains unknown to me. (Obviously there are not much literature on it either) So hopefully some nice & informative friends could shed a light on it. Ok, here goes the questions:

0) Is Borojó evergreen?
1) What is growth cycle of Borojó
for example:
When(in which month) buds appear?
When flowers appear?
When it produce fruits and when fruits actually turns ripe(ready to eat).
How many times does Borojó produce fruit in one year?
How long the fruit-producing time last in one year?(from which month to which month)
2) Is it possible to grow Borojó on other area? Are there any specific requirements?
3) What the annual yield for each Borojó tree is like?
4) How many Borojó trees could be planted in say one acre or hectare?
5) How much money does it cost to maintain a Borojó tree(or one acre/hectare etc) in one year?
6) Are there any good reference / website / literature on above aspects of Borojó? It would be greatly appreciated if you could kindly point out for me, ;P

all for now. Looking forward to your feedback, folks. 😉

And since I am a foreigner so it would be really nice if you could post in English. ;P

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