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Keanu Reeves is Married to a woman he truely loves!!!!?

Keanu Reeves is married to a woman he adores that he is fervently and passionately faithful to. They have been together for many many years and she is the woman of his dreams.
There are many lookalikes in the media purporting to be Keanu Reeves and photos reported to be Keanu Reeves when they are not him. Many lookalikes have appeared in movies ( like ‘Ben X’ in Henry’s Crime ) on TV for interviews, red carpet ( like the imposter ‘lake’ from the movie lakehouse) and reported on dotcoms. The truth will be known and Keanu Reeves has many movies premiering this year including;
What About Me – A list horror
A friend – The story of Hell on Earth – starring John Malcovich
Stockbroking – The Chinese Mafia Movie – with lookalike ‘Apache’
Gattica II – with Jude Law
Alfie The Dream Part 2 – appearance
Dusseldorf – The Media a Movie with Mrs Keanu Reeves
Cousins – with lookalike Peter


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