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macetes para area 51??? 10 points?

e muito dificil
aparesce uns fdps de zumbis sei la daonde e me matar
10 pntos pra quem responder

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2 Respostas

  1. Final Secret:
    Find all the secrets in game to unlock the last secret.

    Unlock hard difficulty:
    Finish the campaign mode in medium difficulty mode.

    Unlock Alien avatar in multi-player mode:
    Finish the campaign mode in hard difficulty mode.

    Pause game play, the press X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X.

    Start with a shotgun:
    Pause game play, then press Triangle, Square, Triangle, Left, R1

    Level skip:
    Go to the main menu. Choose “Arcade”, then aim at the black border
    of the boxes with “Warp Ahead” or “Beginning” to begin farther
    into the game than normal.

    Non tested cheats, need your confirmation!

    100% health all the time:
    During gameplay, press R1, R2, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down

    100% ammo all the time on any gun:
    During gameplay, press R1, R2, R3, Left, Right, Down

    XM-32 viper assault rifle:
    During gameplay, press Left, Right, Down, Left, Right
    Submitted by: Karl

    God mode:
    Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left,
    Right, Left, Right, Down

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