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me falem nomes de finishers da WWE ?

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3 Respostas

  1. John Cena : Attitude Adjustment
    The Miz : Skull Crushing Finale
    Alberto Del Rio : Cross Arm Breaker
    Cm Punk : GTS
    Christian : Killswitch
    Big Show/Kane : Chockslam
    Justin Gabriel : 450 Splash
    Wade Barret : The Wasteland
    Daniel Bryan : LeBell Lock
    Randy Orton : RKO
    Undertaker : Chockslam/Tombstone
    Chris Jericho : Codebreaker
    Triple H : Pedigree
    Sheamus : Brogue Kick/High Cross/Irish Curse
    Kofi Kingston : SOS
    Rey Misterio : 619
    Jack Swagger : Ankle Lock
    Santino Marella : The Cobra
    Evan Bourne : Air Bourne
    Vladimir Kozlov : Backbreaker rack drop
    Heath Slater : Miller’s Crossing

    Qualquer coisa se quiser saber mais procura os lutadores no Google,e na descrição tem os finishers deles.

  2. RKO=Randy Orton
    Punt Kick=Randy Orton
    Air Bourne=Evan Bourne
    STF=John Cena
    Atittude Adjustment=John Cena
    GTS=Cm Punk
    Burning Hammer=Tyler Reks
    Torture Rack=Ezekiel Jackson
    Discus Clothesline=Natalya
    Kill Switch=Christian
    World Strongest Slam=Mark Henry
    Future Shock DDT=Drew McIntyre
    Crucifix Powerbomb=Sheamus
    Brogue Kick=Sheamus
    Trouble in Paradise=Kofi Kingston
    Tornado DDT=Trent Baretta
    Skull Crushing Finalle=The Miz
    Zig Zag=Dolph Ziggler
    Cross Rhodes=Cody Rhodes
    Dream Street=Ted DiBiase
    Roundhouse Kick=Yoshi Tatsu
    Trouble Knee=William Regal
    Regal Strecht=William Regal
    619=Rey Mysterio
    Starship Pain=John Morrison
    The Cobra=Santino Marella
    Glam Slam=Beth Phoenix
    Tombstone Piledriver=Undertaker/Kane
    Chokeslam=Undertaker/Kane e Big Show
    Wasteland=Wade Barrett
    Rock Bottom=The Rock
    People Elbow=The Rock

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