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O sistema de ensino nos EUA:?

[by Leonardo Paixão]

Hi everybody. How is it going? Estou escrevendo hoje sobre algumas dicas de como funciona o Sistema de Ensino nas escolas estrangeiras de língua inglesa, principalmente nos Estados Unidos. Só para registrar, aqui no Brasil, nós temos Educação Infantil (0 a 6 anos), Ensino Fundamental (7 a 14 anos), Ensino Médio (a partir de 15 anos) e Ensino Superior (graduação).

Lá fora, principalmente Estados Unidos e Canadá, temos a Preschool (0 a 6 anos), a Elementary School (6 a 11 anos), Middle School (11 a 14 anos), High School (14 a 18 anos) e College (graduação).

Dentro da Preschool, temos dois níveis: o Pre-kindergarten e o Kindergarten.
Dentro da Elementary School, temos cinco níveis: 1st grade (6-7 anos), 2nd grade (7-8 anos), 3rd grade (8-9 anos), 4th grade (9-10 anos) e 5th grade (10-11 anos).
Dentro da Middle School temos três níveis: 6th grade (11-12 anos), 7th grade (12-13 anos) e 8th grade (13-14 anos).
Dentro da High School temos 4 grades ou níveis. Para quem está na 9th grade damos o nome de freshman, para os da 10th grade de sophomore, para os da 11th grade de junior e o último ano da high school, ou 12th grade damos o nome de senior.
Se formos um pouco mais além, na faculdade também há essa divisão.

13th Grade = College Freshman
14th Grade = College Sophomore
15th Grade = College Junior
16th Grade = College Senior
That’s it for now, see you next post!
I hope that it helps!

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3 Respostas

  1. Educational system

    Force a U.S. law that says all American children have the right to receive education free of charge during the first 13 years of academic life, regardless of sex, religion, race, physical disabilities, learning disabilities or language ability.

    After these 13 years of free education, with a secondary diploma or certificate (high school), students can enter for a College, university, vocational school, secretarial school or other vocational options. Any student who wants to acquire higher education should pay. There are colleges and public and private universities, but all are paid.

    The American school system (primary and secondary) currently has about 50 million students, of whom 90% attend public schools, according to official figures. Education in the United States is totally decentralized. The states, communities and schools have full autonomy and provide almost all the resources for public institutions of Primary and Middle. Without any ties with the federal government, the school is the responsibility of local communities, which decide about everything: curriculum, workload, vocational education, application of evidence, salary of teachers etc.. The only common point is the duration of the course, four years, and the school year, 180 days. The subjects offered vary from school to school, but in most cases are 5-7 subjects per semester.

    The first year of school is called kindergarten and 6 years are called Grade (1st Grade, 2nd Grade … 6th Grade), forming the Elementary School. The 7th and 8th grade are called Junior High and 9th to 12th Grade High School (better known as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior), forming the Secondary School.

    Hope this helps . Good Luck.

    by Thomas Edison

  2. confirmou o que eu já sabia
    lá o ensino é muito melhor que aqui e lá dão valor a arte e cultura na escolas
    mto bom

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