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qual a musica que toca neste filme?

parece bobagem mas gostaria de saber a musica que toca nas cenas do ator Harland Williams (Eric Slater) do filme super star despenca uma estrela, eu adoro este filme, vejam bem quero o nome da musica que embala as cenas deste ator com Molly Shannon (Mary Katherine Gallagher) se alguem poder me ajudar fico super agradecida.

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3 Respostas

  1. Todas as musicas do filme

    “Beautiful” – The Go-Gos
    “Ave Maria” – Franz Schubert
    “Hands to Heaven” – Pure Sugar
    “Isn’t It Romantic” – Richard Rodgers & Lorenz Hart
    “Makin’ It – Play-on 1”- Peake
    “I’m a Tree” – Imani Coppola
    “Thinkin’ About You” – Britney Spears
    “Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)” – C.C. Music Factory
    “Gettin’ Jiggy wit It” – Will Smith, Samuel Barnes, Bernard Edwards, Nile Rodgers, Joseph Robinson, David Porter, Ben Cauley, Harvey Henderson, James Alexander, , Larry Dodson, Willie Hall & Winston Stewart
    “Wonderwall” – The Mike Flowers Pops
    “Leaving on a Jet Plane” – John Denver
    “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” – Charlie Daniels, Tom Crain, Taz Di Gregorio, Fred Edwards, Charlie Hayward & Jim Marshall
    “Sister Christian” – Night Ranger
    “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” – Stephen Sondheim & Jule Styne
    “Hot Stuff” – Donna Summer
    “Bamboleo” – Gipsy Kings
    “Out Here on My Own” – Molly Shannon
    “Sometimes When We Touch” – Dan Hill
    “You Wanna Be a Star (Superstar)” – Alisha Alisha performs

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