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Quem venceria as seguintes Match?

Dx Vs Brothers of Destruction Vs Edge and Christian
Cm Punk Vs Aj Styles.
Shawn Michaels Vs Sting Vs Kenta Kobayashi.
John Cena Vs Hulk Hogan.
The Rock Vs Tiger Mask
Podem colocar estipulações na Matchs se quiserem.

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14 Respostas

  1. 1) Brothers of Destruction
    2) AJ Styles
    3) Shawn Michaels
    4) Hulk Hogan “Marketing”
    5 ) The Rock.

  2. Degeneration X (Extreme Rules Match)
    AJ Styles (Best of 7 falls match)
    Shawn Michaels (Hell in a Cell Match)
    Hulk Hogan (Tables Match)
    Tiger Mask (Last Man Standing Match)

  3. Edge and Christian – ladder match
    Aj Styles – tlc match
    Sting – no dq
    Hulk Hogan – hell in a cell
    Qual Tiger Mask ?
    Tiger Mask ——— Steel Cage

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