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you could tell me Control of Ants?

I have a planting graviola.num clay soil, the problem is that she has many ants climb the plant and form nests in the fruits, I wonder if the people at Yahoo would know me say an efficient control for this insect, a and I still say that already put insecticide around the plant the other day the ground is full of dead ants, but with 2 days later it starts all over again, you could teach me some poison to combat the insects, since then appreciate the attention.

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2 Respostas

  1. … is useless to use any fair kind of poison because it kills the other one is in place …. so keep the ants to tan your garden, so when the time comes they will leave.

  2. First of all, the information in this profile does not in any way replace or supercede the restrictions, precautions, directions, or other information on the pesticide label or other regulatory requirements.

    Fipronil is a broad use insecticide used to control ANTS, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, termites, mole crickets, thrips, rootworms, weevils, and other insects. There are more than 50 registered products that contain fipronil.
    Fipronil is toxic to insects by contact or ingestion. It blocks GABAA-gated chloride channels in the central nervous system. Disruption of the GABAA receptors by fipronil prevents the uptake of chloride ions resulting in excess neuronal stimulation and death of the target insect. The lower binding affinity for mammalian receptors enhances selectivity for insects and increases the margin of safety for people and animals.

    Some common trade names:
    Blitz ® (Basf) is used worldwide for a variety of applications, especially on forest and crop fields. However, you may not find this product registered in your country. In the US, ant Fipronil based gels are sold under the MaxForce® brand (Bayer), and under the Combat® brand (Dial Corp). Both brands carry .01% Fipronil by weight as the active ingredient.

    NOTE: For more detailed information, consult a professional and ask the product that best suits your particular case. Always read and follow the label when applying pesticide products.

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