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Alguém conhece Universidades americanas que tenham campo ou campeonato de soccer?

Eu prefiro mais na Califórnia!Más se souber alguma, pode falar, independente do lugar que seja(sendo no EUA)!

Você precisa entrar para adicionar uma resposta.

3 Respostas

  1. todas estas​universities... – Em cache

    Oklahoma Colleges and Universities With Soccer Programs …
    Oklahoma is a state known for its southern-bred, American football. Lately, the popularity of “football,” as our international friends call soccer, has ……colleges-​universities-soccer... – Em cache

    Soccer Scholarships at US Universities
    A U.S College Soccer scholarship gives you the opportunity to attend … coaches and Sports admissions representatives from over 70 accredited American universities …​award-scheme/soccer... – Em cache – What are the best universities for soccer
    Football – Soccer question: What are the best universities for soccer? Wake Forest University of … In: Football – Soccer, American Soccer [Edit categories]​universities_for_soccer –

  2. Cambridge . É uma faculdade nos Eua , que há um campeonato de soccer .
    Espero ter ajudado , beijos ;

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