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Quais os Albuns do Escape The Fate?

quero saber os nomes e os anos de lançamento.
\,,/, se quiser me add no msn: dohaglas_ms[email protected]… =P
ty! \o

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6 Respostas

  1. Dying Is Your Latest Fashion (2006)
    This War Is Ours (2008)
    Escape The Fate (2010)

    A melhor musica deles e situations se n ouviu ouça!!

  2. Dying Is Your Latest Fashion (2006)
    This War Is Ours (2008)
    Escape The Fate (2010)

    Eu amo essa banda

    se quiser add > [email protected]

    te +

    vou te dar uma estrelinha ^^

  3. ‘Escape the Fate’
    Release Date 11/2/2010

    Release Date 9/14/2010

    Release Date 8/31/2010

    ‘This War Is Ours’
    Release Date 10/21/2008

    ‘There’s No Sympathy for the Dead’
    Release Date 5/23/2006

    ‘Dying Is Your Latest Fashion’
    Release Date 1/1/2006

  4. Dying Is Your Latest Fashion (2006)
    This War Is Ours (2008)
    Escape The Fate (2010)

    a galera tá citando EP, pq álbuns oficiais são esses 3 só…

    mas q fiq claro q eu não curto a banda…hehe

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