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Qual é o estilo de luta dos wrestler’s?

sin cara
chris jericho
edge ‘ ex’
big show
jeff hardy
john cena
the miz
cm punck
wade burred
chavo guerreiro
randy orton
great khali
e john morrison

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4 Respostas

  1. Undertaker, Kane, Batista, Big show, John Cena e Great Khali são PowerHouse’s
    Sin cara, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Chavo Guerrero e John Morrison são Flyers / Higth Flyers
    Chris Jericho, Edge, The miz, CM punk, e Randy Orton são Technical
    Edge, The miz e Chavo Guerrero são Dirty’s
    Wade Barrett, John cena, The miz, Randy Orton e Christian são Brawler’s

    Obs: Alguns tem mais de um estilo de luta, então inclui em outros.

  2. Undertaker=Power House
    Kane=Power House
    Sin Cara=High Flyer
    Christian=All Arounder
    Y2J=All Arounder
    Big Show=Powerhouse
    Jeff Hardy=High Flyer
    John Cena=Brawler
    The Miz=Dirty
    Cm Punk=Technical
    Wade Barret=Brawler
    Randy Orton=Brawler
    Great Khali=Powerhouse
    John Morrison=High Flyer

  3. Undertaker e Kane=Powerhouse
    Sin Cara=High Flyer
    Chris Jericho=Technical
    Big Show=Powerhouse
    Jeff Hardy=High Flyer (tosco)
    John Cena=Brawler
    The Miz=Brawler/Dirty
    Wade Barret=Brawler
    Randy Orton=Brawler
    Great Khali=Brawler/Powerhouse
    John Morrison=High Flyer

  4. Undertaker Power House
    Kane Power House
    Sin Cara High Flyer
    Christian Technical
    Chris Jericho Technical
    Batista PowerHouse
    Edge Dirty
    Big Show PowerHouse
    Jeff Hardy High Flyer,Brawler
    John Cena Brawler,Power House
    The Miz Dirty
    Cm Punk Technical
    Wade Barret Brawler
    Chavo Guerrero Dirty
    Randy Orton Technical,Brawler
    Great Khali Power House
    John Morrison High Flyer,Brawler

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